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answers are difficult to come by and tend to be one of the most basic
challenges to us as parents. Our baby's lack of sleep is our own lack
of sleep, affecting our judgment, our outlook and our health. Experts
will tell advise you to let your baby cry themselves to sleep and
others feel that you should take the baby into bed with you. If you
look over time and throughout many cultures, you'll see that there is
no right answers. Whatever works for your family is the "right way."
Never Wake a Sleeping Baby!!
Most babies will wake up if they are hungry, thirsty or have a dirty
diaper. With newborns, they may need to be reminded to eat. Try to carry on
all normal activities with little regard to noise. (no chainsaws) If
you tiptoe around, you'll never get anything accomplished during
naptimes. When is it nap time??
Whenever your child seems tired or if you need some quite time but to much napping can lead to restless night, so it's a fine balance.
What time of Day is it?? Most infants do not know the difference between day or
night unless you tell them. Even at very early ages, daytime should be
full of busy activity including playtime, reading, feedings and naps.
While nightime is quiet, relaxed and peaceful.
As an infant, naptime and sleeptime areas should be different. It
helps the child relate daytime naps and nightime sleep to an physical
Choose a Bedtime and stick to it!!
Start winding down your child at least an hour before putting them
down for the night. Reading is relaxing. Dim the lights and put on some
music. When the time arrives, Bedtime, lay them down, kiss them
goodnight and walk away. Crying is normal for about 15 min. but after
that it's may be time to try the Ferber Method.
Tips and Tricks..Sleep
patterns are variable, but the overall need for sleep decreases over
the first year. Give baby a chance to sleep alone. Even a recently
fed, tired baby may need to cry for a time before falling asleep.
Don't give a bottle in bed. It is a difficult habit to break and may
cause cavities and/or ear infections. At about 6 months, help your
baby get attached to a special, soft stuffed animal or blanket to
cuddle with while falling to sleep. At about 9 months establish
a regular bedtime and bedtime ritual possible including books or
If all else fails, talk to your pediatrician about
what may be causing discomfort or disruptive sleep patterns but
please understand, it's not easy being a child. The world is a scary
place for us adults, can you imagine how it looks though the eyes of
a child?
Have patience and be persistent and consistent.
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